eSense Respiration (needs eSense Skin Response to work with) | Breathing Exerciser Biofeedback


The Mindfield eSense Respiration is a small sensor to measure your breathing with your smartphone or tablet (Android or Apple iOS).

Attention! To run eSense Respiration, you need an eSense Skin Response! eSense Respiration is an additional product to eSense Skin Response. This offer is for the eSense Respiration only. There is a bundle with both eSense for a reduced price.

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eSense Respiration (needs eSense Skin Response to work with) | Breathing Exerciser Biofeedback

Biofeedback Training with the breathing exerciser eSense Respiration

The Mindfield eSense Respiration is a small yet powerful sensor designed to measure your breathing using your smartphone or tablet (compatible with Android or Apple iOS). Respiration is closely linked to muscle tension and relaxation, making it an important indicator of stress levels. With the eSense Respiration, you can effectively monitor and reduce stress through biofeedback training. 

This advanced biofeedback equipment provides precise feedback on your current stress levels in various forms, including measurement curves, video, and audio presentations. By using a dilating chest strap, the eSense Respiration allows you to measure breathing amplitude and frequency accurately. Combined with the optional eSense Pulse sensor, you can also track heart rate variability simultaneously, providing a more comprehensive picture of your body’s physiological responses. 

The effect of biofeedback through regular training with the eSense Respiration is significant—it helps improve breathing patterns, reduce muscle tension, and enhance relaxation. Thermal biofeedback can also be incorporated into your sessions, offering an even broader approach to managing stress and physical symptoms. 

Biofeedback training with the eSense Respiration is especially useful for individuals seeking to improve their overall health, whether through stress management or physical training. This device may help individuals suffering from chronic stress, anxiety, or respiratory issues by providing a deeper understanding of their body’s reactions to stress and enabling them to take control of their breathing. 

The free eSense app makes it easy to export measurement data as CSV or PDF files, allowing you to track progress over time or share your results with a healthcare professional. Whether you’re using it for personal wellness or as part of a professional biofeedback program, the Mindfield eSense Respiration is a versatile and effective tool for enhancing your health through biofeedback. 


eSense Respiration (Breathing Exerciser) & eSense Pulse for Biofeedback Training

The eSense Respiration can be combined with the eSense Pulse for a more comprehensive biofeedback experience. Since your breathing directly influences your heartbeat, using both sensors simultaneously allows for enhanced biofeedback training, giving you valuable insights into your cardiovascular and respiratory systems. This type of biofeedback provides precise feedback on your breathing patterns and heart rate, helping you gain better control over your body’s responses to stress. 

The use of biofeedback in this way is highly effective for managing stress and anxiety, but it can also be beneficial for individuals dealing with chronic pain. By learning to regulate your breathing and heart rate, you can reduce the physical tension that often accompanies chronic pain, leading to improved relaxation and well-being. 

Combining the eSense Respiration with the eSense Pulse takes your biofeedback training to the next level, offering real-time feedback that can enhance your overall health. Whether you’re using biofeedback for stress management or as part of a larger biofeedback training plan, these synergistic effects contribute to long-term physical and mental wellness. 


Advantages: eSense Respiration Breathing Exerciser

The eSense Respiration breathing exerciser is a powerful tool that enables you to perform targeted breathing exercises to improve both your physical and mental health. With this innovative device, you can carry out your biofeedback sessions anywhere, without the need for bulky monitors or lots of cables. Its portability ensures that you can benefit from biofeedback training whether you are at home, on holiday, or on a business trip. 

One of the key advantages of the eSense Respiration breathing exerciser is the real-time feedback it provides about your breathing. The sensors placed on your chest accurately measure your breathing rate, depth, and other vital metrics, which are then instantly sent to the eSense app on your mobile device. The clear visualizations within the app make it easy to interpret your data, allowing you to understand and optimize your breathing patterns effectively. 

The efficacy of biofeedback in managing stress, anxiety, and even certain physical conditions such as constipation has been well-documented. By consciously manipulating your breathing patterns during a biofeedback session, you can prevent stress and improve concentration, performance, and overall well-being. 

For individuals dealing with chronic stress or specific conditions, working with a biofeedback therapist in combination with the eSense Respiration device can greatly enhance the effectiveness of your training. Biofeedback may also be used to help with a range of health issues, from stress management to enhancing relaxation and improving overall physical performance. 

Take control of your breathing and promote your health with the eSense Respiration, your portable solution to better health and well-being through biofeedback training. 



Included with eSense Respiration Breathing Exerciser

  • Mindfield® eSense Respiration Sensor incl. replacement spring

  • Expansion strap
  • eSense App from Mindfield (Apple App Store or Google Play Store)
  • Detailed instructions for effective biofeedback training


  • To run eSense Respiration, you need an eSense Skin Response!
  • eSense Respiration is an additional product to eSense Skin Response.
  • eSense Skin Response is available in a package with eSense Respiration at a reduced price.
  • Users who already own eSense Skin Response can purchase eSense Respiration as a supplement.


With the eSense you can…

  • …do biofeedback training
  • …measurize and reduce your stress level
  • …create and use a guide for meditation


Which iOS Devices are Supported?

  • All iOS devices from iOS version 15 or higher, which are (in part):
  • Apple® iPhone® 6S, iPhone® SE / SE 2, iPhone® 7/7 +, iPhone® 8/8 +, iPhone® X, iPhone® XR, iPhone® XS, iPhone® 11/11 Pro, iPhone® 12/12 Pro, iPhone® 13/13 Pro, iPhone® 14/14 Pro or newer
  • Apple® iPad® from 5th generation (iPad Air) or newer, including all iPad Mini from 2nd generation
  • Apple® iPad® Pro from 1st generation or newer
  • Note: Some newer iOS devices without the classic 3.5mm headphone jack and with the newer Lightning / USB-C connector also work perfectly with the eSense. You can order a suitable adapter together with the eSense directly from us.

The eSense Respiration breathing exerciser connects easily to the iOS devices mentioned above, both iPads and iPhones can be used.


Which Android Devices are Supported?

  • All Android Smartphones and Tablets from Android 10.0 (Android Q)
    Your Android device requires a 3,5mm jack (headphone jack) for external microphones!
    For Android devices without a headphone jack, you can use an adapter with a DAC chip. You can order a suitable adapter together with the eSense directly from us.
  • If you plan on purchasing a device for using the eSense, we suggest a Nokia G10, a Nokia G21, a Motorola Moto E40 or a Xiaomi Redmi 10 as an inexpensive entry-level device.


Respiration Training with Breathing Exerciser

When measuring the respiration, there are two main measurements; The Respiration Amplitude (RA) and the breathing frequency, breaths per minute. The Respiration is special, as in contrast to other biofeedback parameters it can be controlled consciously. This means that biofeedback respiration training is especially suited for beginners.

Our state of mind is reflected in our breathing. If we are pleased or tense, we usually breathe quickly, irregularly and flatly. Positive as well as negative stress is reflected in this way. If, on the other hand, we are relaxed and calm or sleepy, our breathing is usually slow, even and deep.

In everyday life we rarely think of our breathing and breathe almost exclusively unconsciously. If our unconscious breathing patterns are disturbed by chronic stress, pain or other psychological or physical stresses, this often leads to discomfort and the maintenance of stress. With breathing training, you can train and improve your breathing, achieve deep relaxation states and significantly increase your general well-being. Breathing therefore plays an important role in almost all relaxation techniques such as autogenic training, yoga, meditation and progressive muscle relaxation. With the eSense Respiration you have a powerful tool to enhance your breathing in a modern way. The breathing exerciser is easy to use and can therefore be used by younger and older users without any problems. Start your biofeedback and respiration training now and optimise your health sustainably



eSense app from Mindfield

The eSense comes with the eSense app which you can load for free in the in the Google Play Store (Android) or in the Apple App Store (iOS). The app contains a variety of functions for an effective biofeedback training in a modern design. Essential function are the display of the measured values app as bargraph and oscilloscope, a feedback by video, music, tones, vibration and new: by light via a Bluetooth® smart bulb.

Mindfield App Store mindfield Google Play


eSense SDK and eSense Web App

Additionally you can also create own apps with our SDK. We also have developed an own eSense Web App with which you can stream your measured values to a PC.


Video of the eSense Mobile App


Video of the eSense Web App

Apple, iPhone, iPad, iPod touch are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. | IOS is a trademark or registered trademark of Cisco in the U.S. and other countries and is used under licence. | Android is a trademark of Google LLC | The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Mindfield Biosystems Ltd. is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.