eSense Pulse (HRV Biofeedback sensor+app) | Mobile Heart Monitor


Mobile Biofeedback with your smartphone or tablet.

The Mindfield eSense Pulse is a convenient sensor for measurement of the heart rate variability via a smart phone or tablet (Android and Apple iOS).

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eSense Pulse (HRV Biofeedback sensor+app) | Mobile Heart Monitor

Biofeedback with the eSense Pulse (Mobile Heart Monitor)!

The Mindfield eSense Pulse is a mobile heart rate monitor with a small heart rate sensor designed to measure your heart rate variability via your smartphone or tablet (Android or Apple iOS). 

Heartbeat activity is closely linked to the nervous system, reflecting states of tension and relaxation and serving as a potential stress indicator. With the eSense Pulse, you can monitor and effectively reduce your stress levels through biofeedback training, gaining better control over your body’s responses. 

The eSense Pulse tracks heart rate variability and, optionally, respiratory rhythm when combined with the eSense Respiration sensor. The accompanying app is free of charge and allows you to export the collected data in CSV or PDF format, making it easy to share via email, Dropbox, or Google Drive. Using a mobile heart rate tracker has never been so simple. The results are displayed in an easy-to-understand format, suitable for users of all ages. 

Many of our customers are interested in combining the eSense Pulse with the Kubios HRV Scientific software. This is suitable for scientific research as well as for professional use as a biofeedback trainer.

Heart Rate Variability and Biofeedback Training

Heart rate variability (HRV) refers to the ability to change the frequency of the heart rhythm. The more our body is able to regulate the heart rate (the greater the heart rate variability), the healthier we are. If the heart beats only rigidly, a person is about to die. With the mobile heart monitor eSense Pulse, you can monitor your heart rate variability, so you can keep an eye on your heart health at all times and take targeted action against constant palpitations and chest tightness. Determine your biofeedback with the portable ECG device and lower your stress level in the long term.

The measurement of heart rate variability is a large field in cardiology and is used for extensive diagnostics. With the eSense Pulse, we want to focus on biofeedback training, i.e. improving heart rate variability. To describe the current state and progress of the training, the eSense app also provides the essential statistics and analyses of HRV. 



Advantages of the eSense Pulse (Mobile Heart Monitor)

The eSense Pulse is a mobile heart rate variability monitor that offers numerous advantages for uncomplicated and quick use in everyday life. One of the biggest benefits of this portable HRV device is its ability to quickly and accurately record your heart rhythm. Once familiar with the eSense Pulse, taking measurements becomes seamless. Not only does this device help you monitor your heart health, but it also enables targeted biofeedback training via the app, allowing you to identify sources of stress and actively manage them to enhance your overall health. 

Another advantage of the eSense Pulse is its compact and portable design, making it an ideal HRV device for those on the go. Whether on trips, short outings, or hikes, you can easily carry it to monitor your heart function. This makes it perfect for individuals who want to keep a close eye on their heart function, whether for health reasons or out of personal interest in their physical condition. The best HRV feature is that you can operate the device via your smartphone or tablet, allowing for quick and easy monitoring of your heart rate variability. 

The biofeedback function is another standout feature of the eSense Pulse. This portable HRV device provides real-time feedback on your heart rhythm, enabling you to regulate your heart rate in a targeted manner. Continuous biofeedback training through the app allows you to lower stress levels actively, minimizing cardiovascular problems. By identifying and addressing your heart’s main stressors with the eSense Pulse, you can improve your heart health and overall health for long-term well-being. 

Overall, Mindfield’s mobile heart rate variability monitor offers an efficient way to track heart rate variability and heart rhythm. With its modern app and responsive interface, you can perform biofeedback training to improve your heart health. The eSense Pulse is an excellent tool for supporting cardiovascular training, without the hassle of cables or other technical drawbacks. 



eSense Pulse (Mobile Heart Monitor) & eSense Respiration

The eSense Pulse can be combined with the eSense Respiration and used simultaneously. Your breathing is a stimulator for your heartbeat and therefore combining both eSense sensors can take your training to the next level.


Included with the eSense Pulse (Mobile Heart Monitor)

  • Mindfield® eSense Pulse Sensor incl. battery (lasts approx. 1 year)
  • Electrode contact spray
  • eSense App from Mindfield (Apple App Store or Google Play Store)
  • Detailed instructions for effective biofeedback training


With the eSense you can…

  • …do biofeedback training
  • …measurize and reduce your stress level
  • …create and use a guide for meditation


For whom is the eSense suitable?

  • Mainly for home users
  • For professional users (biofeedback trainers / therapists)


Which iOS Devices are Supported?

  • All iOS devices from iOS version 15 or higher, which are (in part):
  • Apple® iPhone® 6S, iPhone® SE / SE 2, iPhone® 7/7 +, iPhone® 8/8 +, iPhone® X, iPhone® XR, iPhone® XS, iPhone® 11/11 Pro, iPhone® 12/12 Pro, iPhone® 13/13 Pro, iPhone® 14/14 Pro or newer
  • Apple® iPad® from 5th generation (iPad Air) or newer, including all iPad Mini from 2nd generation
  • Apple® iPad® Pro from 1st generation or newer
  • Note: Some newer iOS devices without the classic 3.5mm headphone jack and with the newer Lightning / USB-C connector also work perfectly with the eSense. You can order a suitable adapter together with the eSense directly from us.

The eSense Pulse mobile heart monitor can be used with both iPads and iPhones as these devices run on the iOS operating system.


Which Android Devices are Supported?

  • All Android Smartphones and Tablets from Android 10.0 (Android Q)
    Your Android device requires Bluetooth®
  • If you plan on purchasing a device for using the eSense, we suggest a Nokia G10, a Nokia G21, a Motorola Moto E40 or a Xiaomi Redmi 10 as an inexpensive entry-level device.


eSense app from Mindfield

The eSense comes with the eSense app which you can load for free in the in the Google Play Store (Android) or in the Apple App Store (iOS). The app contains a variety of functions for an effective biofeedback training in a modern design. Essential function are the display of the measured values app as bargraph and oscilloscope, a feedback by video, music, tones, vibration and new: by light via a Bluetooth® smart bulb.

Mindfield App Store mindfield Google Play


eSense SDK and eSense Web App

Additionally you can also create own apps with our SDK. We also have developed an own eSense Web App with which you can stream your measured values to a PC.


Video of the eSense Mobile App


Video of the eSense Web App


Apple, iPhone, iPad, iPod touch are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. | IOS is a trademark or registered trademark of Cisco in the U.S. and other countries and is used under licence. | Android is a trademark of Google LLC | The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Mindfield Biosystems Ltd. is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.

Heart Rate Variability

Heart rate variability (HRV) refers to the ability to change the frequency of the heart rhythm. Even at rest, there are spontaneous changes in the time between heartbeats. 

A healthy person constantly adapts the heart rhythm to current requirements. In addition to physical exertion, such as sport or physical work, psychological exertion such as stress also results in an increase in the heart rate. The heart rate sinks again when the strain is relieved and the body relaxes. In humans, heart rate variability ranges from 10 (low, a sign of stress) to 30 (high, a sign of relaxation). 

The more our body is able to regulate the heart rate (the greater the heart rate variability), the healthier we are. If the heart beats only rigidly, a person is about to die. 

The measurement of heart rate variability is a large field in cardiology, sports and coaching. With the eSense Pulse, we want to focus on biofeedback training, i.e. improving heart rate variability. To describe the current state and progress of the training, the eSense app also provides the essential statistics and analyses of HRV. 



Heart Rate Variability and Biofeedback Training

The aim of HRV biofeedback is to increase heart rate variability, specifically its amplitude. In other words, to maximize the difference between low heart rhythm and high heart rhythm in the interplay of inhalation and exhalation, rest and demands.

If respiration is included, the eSense App offers various ways to visualize it and to define respiration in a certain rhythm. The coupling of heartbeat and respiration is greatest in most people when breathing at about 4.5 to 6.5 breaths per minute.


The eSense Pulse with the eSense App offers you

  • A precise 1-channel ECG with 500 Hz sampling (internal)
  • Transmission of RR distances in milliseconds at 5 Hz via Bluetooth® Low-Energy
  • A chest strap that is comfortable to wear, washable and durable
  • Optimal skin contact with the help of supplied electrode spray
  • theoretically unlimited recording time (but some smartphones and tablets have problems with saving sessions which are longer than 2 hours. So there is no guarantee for recordings longer than 120 minutes and 24-hours measurements are impossible)
  • Unlimited number of sessions and users
  • Extensive statistics on heart rate variability (time and frequency data)
  • Real-time Fast Fourier analysis with spectrogram
  • Breathing aid for breathing training with freely adjustable intervals, auxiliary tones and more
  • Export of measurement data as CSV file, compatible with other software programs for further analysis (e.g. Kubios)
  • Export of curves, diagrams and statistics as a PDF report.
  • To train and improve HRV, the app offers a wealth of biofeedback feedback on HRV amplitude: Bar feedback (HRV or breathing aid), Curve feedback (HRV and breathing aid), Video feedback (videos included and your own videos may be used), Music feedback (music included and your own music may be used), Tone feedback (change of pitch by the measured values), Tactile feedback through vibration (only smartphones, tablets cannot vibrate), Feedback from smart bulbs (Bluetooth® bulb and Philps Hue products are controllable.)
  • Set any number of markers during a recording
  • Different, premade training procedures are included in the app
  • Free training according to your wishes with any biofeedback variant or several at the same time
  • Extensive in-app help and manuals
  • Regular updates of the app
  • Integration with our eSense Respiration to record respiration during the HRV measurement


Quick Guide to Usage

  • When you buy the eSense Pulse you can download our free app from the App Store (Apple®) or Google Play (Android).
  • You can also download it in advance, but the app can not be effectively used without the sensor)
  • Put on the chest strap as shown in the manual and adjust it to the correct length. The strap should be tight, directly under the chest muscles, but not uncomfortably tight or squeezed.
  • Once you have adjusted the belt, remove it again to apply a small spray of the enclosed electrode contact spray to each electrode (but avoid 'bridging' as shown in the manual).
  • Start the app and click "Start", the measurements will begin.
  • Please carefully read the instructions within the app or the manual to get the best out of biofeedback training.
  • Have fun with the eSense Pulse!


The eSense App

The price of the eSense includes in parts the hardware and also the software (the eSense app) all in once. We spend huge amounts of money for the programming and continuous development of the app. However, the eSense app is available for free in the App Stores. Our customers should not pay twice at different locations and, moreover, it is unusual for most people to pay a larger sum for an app. The eSense offers unbeatable value for your money and is a unique, high-precision biofeedback device with many features.



A Procedure consists of several assembled modules. With this feature of our eSense app you can build the perfect individual relaxation guide, a stress test, a predefined biofeedback training or use it for research.

There are many possibilities. During a procedure, your pulse will be recorded and afterwards you see your results for each module and in total.


New: Smart Bulbs

The eSense app can support biofeedback via smart bulbs. Smart bulbs can change their colors and brightness and can be controlled via Bluetooth®. In combination with the eSense app this enables you to the light from the bulb as an indicator of your level of stress or relaxation.

The app supports the Magic Blue® and Phillips Hue® smart light bulbs (available in the eSense app as an in-app purchase). From the eSense app, you can connect the smart bulbs and use them in your biofeedback exercises.


Technical details

  • Sample frequency (internal): 500 Hz, RR intervals with 5 Hz to eSense App
  • Measuring range: 30-240 BPM +- 2 BPM
  • Internal error correction
  • Operating range: 5-40 °C, <= 95% relative humidity
  • Belt made of polyamide and conductive silicone + TPU for the electrical contacts

Apple, iPhone, iPad, iPod touch are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. iOS is a trademark or registered trademark of Cisco in the U.S. and other countries and is used under license.


Engineered in Germany

The eSense is completely engineered at Mindfield in Germany.

For whom is the eSense suitable?

  • Mainly for home users
  • For professional users (biofeedback trainers / therapists)


Which iOS Devices are Supported?

  • All iOS devices from iOS version 15 or higher, which are (in part):
  • Apple® iPhone® 6S, iPhone® SE / SE 2, iPhone® 7/7 +, iPhone® 8/8 +, iPhone® X, iPhone® XR, iPhone® XS, iPhone® 11/11 Pro, iPhone® 12/12 Pro, iPhone® 13/13 Pro, iPhone® 14/14 Pro or newer
  • Apple® iPad® from 5th generation (iPad Air) or newer, including all iPad Mini from 2nd generation
  • Apple® iPad® Pro from 1st generation or newer
  • Note: Some newer iOS devices without the classic 3.5mm headphone jack and with the newer Lightning / USB-C connector also work perfectly with the eSense. You can order a suitable adapter together with the eSense directly from us.


Which Android Devices are Supported?

  • Android smartphones and tablets from Android 10.0 (Android Q)
    Your Android device requires Bluetooth®
  • If you plan on purchasing a device for using the eSense, we suggest a Nokia G10, a Nokia G21, a Motorola Moto E40 or a Xiaomi Redmi 10 as an inexpensive entry-level device.


You can see our full FAQ here:

eSense FAQ and Troubleshooting

Additional information

Weight 0,2000 kg



Mindfield Biosystems Ltd.


Mindfield Biosystems Ltd.

Product safety

Manufacturer information

Mindfield Biosystems Ltd.
Hindenburgring 4
D-48599 Gronau

Person responsible for the EU

Niko RockensĂ¼ĂŸ

Product safety documents


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