eSense SDK for creating your own Windows software for the eSense sensors


You get our eSense SDK (Software Development Kit) for developing your own software under Windows for the eSense. This includes also a USB soundcard and splitter cable to connect your eSense sensors. (eSense Sensors NOT included)

eSense SDK
eSense SDK for creating your own Windows software for the eSense sensors

eSense SDK for Windows

This is our eSense SDK (Software Development Kit) for developing your own software on Windows for the eSense products. The eSense sensors Skin Response, Temperature, and Respiration can be connected to a PC sound card using their 3.5mm jack plug and read out through it. This SDK includes a demo app for sampling measurements under Windows using an included 100% compatible USB sound card and a splitter cable. The eSense sensors themselves are NOT included in this SDK.

You can find a brief documentation under Downloads.

This SDK may be used indefinitely for commercial and non-commercial projects without restrictions. The eSense SDK for Windows currently supports the eSense Skin Response, eSense Temperature, and eSense Respiration. The eSense Pulse does not require its own SDK as it uses the standard Heart Rate Service of Bluetooth® Low Energy, through which the RR intervals can be read. This is also possible on Windows, provided a Bluetooth® LE chip is installed in the PC or a corresponding Bluetooth® dongle is used.

This SDK refers explicitly to the eSense Skin Response in its examples. For use with the eSense Temperature and Respiration, only a different unit conversion is required; the measurement principle is identical.

Delivery contents:

  • eSense SDK for Windows as a download via email
  • USB sound card for connecting the eSense Skin Response, Temperature, Respiration (eSense sensors themselves are NOT included, please order separately)
  • Splitter cable for USB sound card

This SDK was developed by our partner “Senselearn” (

Apple, iPhone, iPad, iPod touch are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. | IOS is a trademark or registered trademark of Cisco in the U.S. and other countries and is used under license. | Android is a trademark of Google LLC | The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Mindfield Biosystems Ltd. is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.

For whom is this package suitable?

Software developers who want to integrate our eSense sensors into their own applications with little effort.

Already realized partner projects are e.g. or

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Mindfield Biosystems Ltd.


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